
Safe HaskellNone




Ingress Graph module. The routines in this module support optimizing links between portals in the game Ingress.



data Vector a


Vec (a, a) 


Functor Vector 
Eq a => Eq (Vector a) 
Num a => Num (Vector a)

Allow math to be used with a Vector

Show a => Show (Vector a) 

type Portal = (String, Vector Float)

type PortalGraph = Gr Portal ()

type Hamiltonian = Float -> PortalGraph -> Float


Graph handling routines

addPortals :: PortalGraph -> [Portal] -> PortalGraph

Add a list of portals to a portal graph

newNode :: PortalGraph -> Node

Determine the id of the next node to add

stripEdges :: PortalGraph -> PortalGraph

Remove all of the edges from a graph

Mathematical Utilities

mean :: (Real a, Fractional b) => [a] -> b

Arithmetic mean

std :: (Real a, Fractional b) => [a] -> b

Standard deviation

dot :: Num a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a

Vector dot product

norm :: Floating a => Vector a -> a

Vector length

cross2D :: Num a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a

Two dimensional cross product, used for link crossing

vecAngle :: Floating a => Vector a -> Vector a -> a

Vector angle

Graph queries

linksCross :: (Portal, Portal) -> (Portal, Portal) -> Bool

Determine whether or not links between two pairs of portals cross



:: PortalGraph

Graph to analyze

-> Node

Find fields with this node as a vertex

-> [(Node, Node)]

A list containing pairs of vertices that make a trianlge with the given reference vertex

Count the number of fields adjacent to a portal. Returns a list of endpoint pairs for each triangle. For instance:

>>> adjFields g 1

Specifies that node 1 makes triangles (1,2,3) and (1,3,4).

getFields :: PortalGraph -> [[Node]]

Return a collection of fields present in a graph. Fields are returned as a list of node lists. Each node list contains the 3 nodes that make up a particular field.

portalVec :: PortalGraph -> Node -> Vector Float

Extract the position of a portal



:: PortalGraph 
-> Node

The portal node id

-> [Node]

Three element list of field vertices

-> Bool 

Determine whether a portal is covered by a particular field



:: PortalGraph 
-> Node

The portal node id

-> Bool 

Determine whether a portal is covered by any field



:: PortalGraph 
-> Node

The portal node id

-> Int

Number of covering fields

Count how many fields are covering a portal

fieldArea :: Portal -> Portal -> Portal -> Float

Calculate the area covered by a field

fieldAreaG :: PortalGraph -> Node -> Node -> Node -> Float

Calculate the area covered by a field, using graph node numbers



:: PortalGraph 
-> (Node, Node)

Tuple containing from and to portal ids

-> Bool 

Determine whether a potential link would cross an existing link


Hamiltonian Functions

hamiltonianFlynn :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for the "Save Flynn" event

hamiltonianFields :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for maximizing the number of fields. This function has a hard time when optimizing in link mode. For best results, use in field mode.

hamiltonianLinks :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for maximizing global number of links.

hamiltonianDegree :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for maximizing degree, while keeping the degree as constant as possible.

hamiltonianLinkDefense :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for maximizing portal defense due to links. There is a defensive boost to shields according to

 Boost = 4/9 * atan(L/exp(1))

where L is the number of links.

hamiltonianAP :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for maximizing AP due to creating links and fields

hamiltonianRatio :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for minimizing the ratio of AP to destroy to AP to create.

hamiltonianUCLA :: Float -> PortalGraph -> Float

Hamiltonian for maximizing the score at the UCLA Warp Break event



:: Float

Importance of making fields, 0 to 1

-> PortalGraph

The current graph

-> Node

Calculate the energy of this node

-> Float

Returns portal energy

Calculate the energy of a single portal. Energy is defined to be the ratio of AP due to destruction over AP due to creation. This is then scaled by the number of fields.




:: Hamiltonian

Hamliltonian function

-> StdGen

Random number generator

-> PortalGraph

Graph to optimize

-> Float

Importance of making fields, 0 to 1

-> Int

Maximum number of iterations

-> PortalGraph

Returns the optimized graph

Implement a simple metropolis algorithm for minimizing the hamiltonian of a portal graph



:: Hamiltonian

Hamliltonian function

-> StdGen

Random number generator

-> PortalGraph

Graph to optimize

-> Float

Importance of making fields, 0 to 1

-> Int

Maximum number of iterations

-> [[Node]]

List of fields

-> PortalGraph

Returns the optimized graph

Implement a simple metropolis algorithm for minimizing the hamiltonian of a portal graph

randomField :: PortalGraph -> StdGen -> [Node]

Generate a random field

perturbGraphFields :: (StdGen, Gr Portal (), [[Node]]) -> (StdGen, PortalGraph, [[Node]])

Create a random modification to a graph, at the level of fielids Pick 3 random nodes If legal, add it to a list of fields in the graph. If illegal, remove a field and repeat

perturbGraph :: (StdGen, PortalGraph) -> (StdGen, PortalGraph)

Create a random modification to a graph. Pick a link to toggle on or off. Continue toggling links until one of the toggles adds a link. This is because the hamiltonian will nearly always judge removal of a link as a higher energy state.



:: Hamiltonian

Hamiltonian function

-> Float

fieldGain: Importance of making fields, from 0 to 1

-> Int

maxIter: Maximum optimzation iterations

-> PortalGraph

portalGraph: Graph to optimize

-> PortalGraph

Returns optimized graph

Optimize the links among a collection of nodes.

Graph measures

countLinks :: PortalGraph -> Int

Count the total number of links in a graph

countFields :: PortalGraph -> Int

Count the total number of fields created by links in a graph

rankPortals :: PortalGraph -> [Portal]

Rank portals by importance. See rankPortalNodes.

rankPortalNodes :: PortalGraph -> [Node]

Rank portal nodes according to how important they are. Importance is ranked by AP due to destruction.



:: PortalGraph

The graph to analyze

-> (Int, Int, Int, Int)

Returns enemy AP, friendly AP, the number of fields, and links as a tuple

Calculate some descriptive numbers summarizing a graph. Return a tuple of (Enemy AP, Friendly AP, Number of Fields)


portals :: [([Char], Vector Float)]

northSaMo :: PortalGraph

Sample portal graph, for testing